Immunomodulatory Activity of Swarna Prashana in Charle's Foster Albino Rats

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Journal of Ayurveda Medical Sciences J,2016,1,2,90-96.
Published:October 2016
Type:Original Article
Author(s) affiliations:

Sanjay Khedekar1*, Anu Priya2, Patgiri B3, Nariya M4, Prajapati PK5

1Assistant Professor, Dept of Rasashastra & Baishajyakalpana, SSAM & H, Hirawadi, Nashik, Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik., Maharashtra, India.

2AMO, Government Ayurveda Dispensary, Faridabad, Haryana, India.

3Prof and Head, Dept of Rasashastra & Baishajyakalpana, IPGT & RA, GAU, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India.

4Head, Pharmacology Lab, IPGT & RA, GAU, Jamnagar, Gujarat, India. 5Dean, Prof and Head, Dept of Rasashastra & Baishajyakalpana, All India Institute of Ayurveda, New Delhi, India.


Introduction: Swarna Prashana a classical incinerated gold preparation used as a Rasayana agent in indigenous system of medicine Ayurveda. Swarna Prashana, Vacha, cow ghee and honey are used for Swarna Prashana preparation. Nowadays physicians are claiming that it is a immune-modulator and prescribing it to neonates and children in India. So here it was decided to assess Immuno-modulatory action of Swarna Prashana. The aim of study was to evaluate immuno-modualtory activity of Swarna Prashana for humoral antibody formation and cell mediated immunity in albino rats. Methods: Sheep red blood corpuscles were assessed for humoral antibody formation. The test drug and vehicle were administered for 10 days. Animals were sacrificed on 11th day. Parameters like haemoagglutination titre, haematological, serum biochemical and histo-pathological study of spleen, thymus and lymph nodes were studied to assess the effect on humoral immunity. For cell mediated immunity, Immunological paw oedema was assessed. Results: Platelets count was significantly increased in drug treated group compared with Sheep red blood corpuscles group. Test drug observed moderate but non-significant increase in paw oedema after 24 hours and after 48 hours compared to control group. Histopathological studies show that Swarna Prashana increased the cellularity in spleen and lymph node. Conclusion: The present study demonstrates that Swarna Prashana produces humoral immune response.