Article ViewAbstractJournal of Ayurveda Medical Sciences,2017,2,3,216-218.DOI:10.5530/jams.2017.2.23Published:July 2017Type:Classical ConceptAuthors:Nirbhay Gupta, Shreekanth Undar, Niranjan Rao, Rajalaxmi, Padmakiran Chinivar, and Pooja Binuve Ashoka Author(s) affiliations:Nirbhay Gupta*, Shreekanth Undar, Niranjan Rao, Rajalaxmi, Padmakiran Chinivar, Pooja Binuve Ashoka Department of Panchakarma, Shree Dharmasthala Manjunatheswara College of Ayurveda, Udupi 574118, India. Abstract:Present era is a period of modernization and fast-paced life. Due to the advancement in life style people undergo many unwanted practices like faulty diet habits, improper sitting posture, continuous work in one posture and exertion, load bearing movements during travelling and sports – all these factors create undue pressure and compressive injury to the spine and are responsible for early degenerative changes in bodily tissue which play an important role in producing disease like cervical spondylosis. Thus, this disease is now becoming a significant threat to the working population due to its progressive nature. Most of the times, patients of cervical spondylosis present with varied degree of signs and symptoms such as neck pain, stiffness, weakness etc. which are required to be alleviated by the administration of shamana (pacifying) chikitsa. Meanwhile in order to overcome the root pathology involved in the manifestation of cervical spondylosis brimhana (nourishment) chikitsa occupies the prime seat in the line of treatment. Nasya karma being the main line of treatment in jatroordhwa vyadhi (diseases above the neck) can be adopted in the management of cervical spondylosis. Information related to the above aspects have been culled from classics and analyzed in this short concept note. Keywords:Brimhana chikitsa, Cervical spondylosis, Degenerative changes, Nasya karma, Shamana chikitsaView:PDF (1.41 MB) Full Text PDFClick here to download the PDF file. emailfacebooklinkedintwittergoogle+pinterest ‹ Ayurveda for the Management of Non Communicable Diseases up Spatial Mapping of Ethno Medicinal Knowledge with Specific Reference to Bacopa monnieri (L.) Pennell in India ›