Macro-microscopic Differentiation of Guduchi Satva Samples Collected from the Market

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Journal of Ayurveda Medical Sciences,2018,3,4,451-455.
Published:December 2018
Type:Short Communication
Author(s) affiliations:

Paritosh Jha*, 1Sonam Bhinde, 2Harisha Channappa Rudrappa, Galib Ruknuddin, Pradeep Kumar Prajapati

All India Institute of Ayurveda, Sarita Vihar, New Delhi 110076. 1Bhargava Ayurveda College, Dehemi, Anand, Gujarat 388560. 2Pharmacognosy laboratory, IPGT & RA, Gujarat Ayurved University, Jamnagar, Gujarat 361008 , INDIA.


Background: Guḍuchi Satva is frequently utilized drug among Ayurvedic physicians for conditions such as Jvara (fever), Daha (burning sensation) and other Pitta predominant conditions. Because of its numerous medicinal attributes, many pharmaceutical companies are manufacturing this formulation. This article is intended to check the difference in organoleptic and microscopic features of Guduchi Satva being sold in the market. One sample was prepared in the laboratory, while, the other samples were collected from the market. Methods: Five samples of Guḍuchi Satva were collected and organoleptic-microscopic features were recorded as per pharamcopoeial procedures. Results: More or less variation in Guduchi Satva samples was found. The reason could be difference in drug collecting area, season and using different references of preparation method. Conclusion: A consensus by all pharmaceutical companies for the use of identical classical reference in formula preparations by preparing monographs in AFI and API could solve the issue of differences from sample to sample. This article quest for the probable reason of variation and its solution.