Submitted by webadmin on Thu, 06/07/2018 - 12:54 Pharmacognosy, Nutritional Value and Antioxidant Activity of Aglaia elaeagnoidea (A.Juss.) Benth. Pharmacognostical and Preliminary Physico-chemical Profiles of Ashtangavaleha in Powder and Linctus forms Comparative Phytochemical and Antioxidant Properties of Costus pictus and C. speciosus Wound healing activity of Tamarindus indica Linn. seed and cork ash Estimating Teratogenic Potential of Garbhachintamani Rasa in Wistar Albino Rats by Biochemical and Histological Changes Management of Varicose Eczema through Ayurveda Effect of Rasamanikya (an Arsenical Formulation) on Ponderal and Blood Parameters Atlas of Macro-microscopy of Savuripazham of Siddha - Fruit of Trichosanthes tricuspidata Lour. Pharmacognosy, Nutritional Value and Antioxidant Activity of Aglaia elaeagnoidea (A.Juss.) Benth. ›